Ep 12: Exploring Dyadic Consciousness, Unity and Transforming Beliefs Featuring Sri Namaste Moore

Episode 12

Exploring Dyadic Consciousness, Unity and Transforming Beliefs

Featuring Sri Namaste Moore

Hello and welcome to The Calling podcast, where we delve into deep conversations about consciousness, spirituality, and the evolution of human understanding. I'm delighted to have you join us for today's exploration.


In this episode, we embark on a profound journey into the concept of dyadic consciousness. Through a rich dialogue between two spiritual seekers, we unravel the intricacies of unity, love, and transformation. The speakers discuss the evolution of human consciousness towards a paired unity, shedding old paradigms to make way for new ones. Themes of interconnectedness, personal growth, and spiritual awakening permeate the conversation as we explore the deeper truths beyond surface appearances.

Key Takeaways:

Dyadic Consciousness: Explore the evolution of human consciousness towards a paired unity, transcending individuality for a shared experience.

Unity and...

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Ep 11: Unveiling the Dance of Energies: A Transformative Journey Featuring Juliette Karaman

Episode 11

Unveiling the Dance of Energies: A Transformative Journey

Featuring Juliette Karaman

Hello lovely listeners! I hope this episode finds you in great spirits. Today, we have a special treat – a captivating dance of energies with the wonderful Juliette Karaman. Buckle up for a journey through spiritual growth, energetic realignment, and the beauty of nonlinear evolution.


In this mesmerizing episode, Juliette Karaman and Homaya explore the intricacies of energy, its storage, recharging, and release. Juliette shares her transformative journey from a challenging period to embracing her powerful, energetic self. The conversation delves into the nuances of navigating personal energy fields, embracing spiritual gifts, and the profound impact of aligning with one's soul.

Key Takeaways:

Energy as a Dance: The episode beautifully unfolds as a dance between Juliette and Homaya, illustrating the dynamic interplay of energies.

Nonlinear Growth: Juliette's journey...

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Ep 10: Journey into Spiritual Depths: Unlocking the Secrets of Channelling and Initiation Featuring Starr Fuentes

Episode 10

Journey into Spiritual Depths: Unlocking the Secrets of Channelling and Initiation

Featuring Starr Fuentes

Greetings, lovely listeners! In this insightful episode, we dive deep into the world of spiritual wisdom with the extraordinary Starr Fuentes. Join me as we explore her journey, touching on channelling, the importance of initiation, and overcoming breakdowns on the spiritual path.


Embark on a fascinating journey with Starr Fuentes, an exceptional spiritual guide. The conversation delves into the intricacies of channelling, the different facets of spiritual initiation, and the resilience required to navigate breakdowns on the profound journey of self-discovery.

Key Takeaways:

The Essence of Channelling: Starr emphasises the need for surrender and a profound connection with one's higher power. Channelling requires relaxation, discernment, and a deep understanding of the energies at play.

Initiation and Resilience: Initiations are stepping stones, not the...

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Ep 09: Embracing Joy, Surrendering to Magic: A Soulful Conversation Featuring Suzanne Adams

Episode 09

Embracing Joy, Surrendering to Magic: A Soulful Conversation

Featuring Suzanne Adams

Welcome to another uplifting episode of "The Calling", where we embark on a soulful journey with Suzanne Adams and Homaya. In this heartfelt exchange, they explore the profound choices between joy and sadness, the power of aligning with one's soul blueprint, and the transformative nature of active surrender.

Key Takeaways:

Conscious Joy: Suzanne reflects on the strength found in consciously choosing joy over sadness, emphasising the transformative power of this intentional decision.

Soul Blueprint Alignment: Explore Suzanne's journey of aligning with her soul blueprint, celebrating victories, and embracing healing with each step, offering inspiration for listeners to connect with their unique paths.

Mission-Based Manifesting: Suzanne and Homaya discuss the concept of mission-based manifesting, where aligning with one's calling becomes the key to unlocking a life filled with prosperity and...

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Ep 08: A Quantum Leap: Breakthroughs and Intentional Living Featuring Danielle Amos

Episode 08

A Quantum Leap: Breakthroughs and Intentional Living

Featuring Danielle Amos

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of "The Calling." I'm thrilled to share this enriching conversation with Danielle Amos, a mindset mentor, healer, and entrepreneur. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of breakthroughs, intentional living, and the beauty of change.


In this episode, Danielle unfolds her inspiring journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, highlighting her pivotal moments of awakening. With authenticity and wisdom, she shares the shifts in her mindset, embracing the concept of intentional living and the profound impact of mentorship. We explore the significance of breakthroughs, debunking the notion that breakdowns are essential for these transformative moments. Danielle's insights reveal the power of decision-making, drawing a line in the sand, and the intentional creation of our realities. The conversation touches upon completion,...

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Ep 07: The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension featuring Andrea Morningstar

Episode 07

The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension

Featuring Andrea Morningstar

Hello, wonderful listeners! Welcome to another transformative episode of "The Calling." I'm thrilled to have you join us as we explore profound conversations that dive deep into the realms of ascension, wealth, and the beautiful journey of self-discovery. I'm your host, Homaya Amar, and today's episode is nothing short of enlightening.


In this episode, I had the pleasure of engaging in a heart-to-heart conversation with the incredible Andrea Morningstar. Together, we delved into the intersection of wealth and ascension, uncovering the sacred connection between the two. Andrea shares her personal journey of overcoming limitations and boldly embracing wealth as a path to ascension. The dialogue unfolds into a celebration of the interconnectedness of our individual and collective wealth experiences.

Key Takeaways:

Wealth as Liberation: Andrea beautifully describes how embracing wealth...

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Ep 06: Unveiling Archetypal Realms: Navigating Leadership Using Torus Technology

Episode 06

Unveiling Archetypal Realms: Navigating Leadership Using Torus Technology with Clinton Callahan

FEATURING Clinton Callahan

Welcome to another inspiring episode of The Calling. I'm thrilled to share a conversation that delves deep into the realms of archetypal resources, navigating modern culture, and redefining leadership.


In this episode, my guest, Clinton Callahan, takes us on a journey through the transformative world of archetypal domains. We explore the challenges of modern culture, particularly the materialistic nature of Patriarchy, and newly emerging regenerative human cultures of Archiarchy.

Clinton discusses the concept of archetypal lineages, bright principles, and the importance of preparation for those ready to step into a different kind of leadership. He introduces the idea of being a Spaceholder rather than a traditional ‘leader’, emphasizing the creation of space for personal and collective evolution.

The conversation touches on the...

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Ep 05: Living Life in Full Color: Embracing the Journey of the Soul Featuring Jaclyn Shaw

Episode 05

Living Life in Full Color: Embracing the Journey of the Soul


Welcome to another episode of "The Calling"! In this soul-stirring conversation with Jaclyn Shaw, we dive into the depths of the human experience, exploring the highs and lows, the beauty in surrender, and the profound connection that comes with answering the calling.


Join Homaya and Jaclyn as they share insights into the transformative power of embracing life in its entirety. From the willingness to surrender to the beauty found in the midst of challenges, this episode is a celebration of living life in full color. Discover the magic that unfolds when we trust our soul's guidance and say yes to the calling.

Key Takeaways:

The willingness to surrender opens the door to profound transformation.

Embracing the full spectrum of the human experience is a gift that leads to magic and beauty.

Trusting the soul's guidance allows us to navigate life's waves with grace and authenticity.


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Ep 04: From Resistance to Revelation: The Shaman's Unveiling

Episode 04

From Resistance to Revelation: The Shaman's Unveiling


Hello, dear listeners! Today, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey as I share the unfolding chapters of my life post the extraordinary dream. The day after is a pivotal moment, marked by encounters, realisations, and a recognition of my newfound role as a Shaman. Buckle up for a ride into the mystical and practical aspects of this incredible episode.

Summary: In this episode, I delve into the day after the life-altering dream. Moving through normal activities with a heightened awareness, I share encounters with friends and a pivotal call with a spiritual guide. The revelation that I am a Shaman disrupts my logical mind, and resistance battles acceptance. The story takes an unexpected turn as I move to a new house, meet my first teacher, and embark on the path of healing. The illogical becomes the guiding force, and I begin to understand the profound nature of my calling.

Key Takeaways:


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Ep 02: Awakening to the Sacred: Embracing Transformation

Episode 02

Awakening to the Sacred: Embracing Transformation

With Homaya

Hello, lovely listeners! Welcome back to The Calling podcast. Your presence here means the world to me, and I'm excited to embark on another soulful journey with you.

Today's episode is a profound continuation of our exploration, and I can't wait to share more insights and experiences.


In this episode, I delve into a pivotal moment in my life – a period of deep introspection and transformation.

Join me as I recount the decision to embrace an Italian strike, letting go of everything that defined my existence. From giving away possessions to completing relationships and projects, I entered a "nothing period," a time of profound presence and discovery.

The unexpected departure from the agency and a night of profound change marked a mystical awakening to my true nature, bringing forth a timeless encounter with sacred aspects of life.

Key Takeaways:

Italian Strike Decision: A conscious choice to...

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