Ep 23: Trusting Intuition as Guidance to Fulfilling Our Spiritual Calling featuring Keren-Or Atari

Episode 23

Trusting Intuition as Guidance to Fulfilling Our Spiritual Calling

Featuring Keren-Or Atari

Hello, my beauties! Welcome back to another episode of The Calling. Today, I'm thrilled to share a deeply enriching conversation with my dear friend and spiritual guide, Keren-Or Atari. Keren-Or is an international healing and spiritual teacher with wisdom stemming from the Curanderos lineage and various inspirations from around the world.


In this episode, we dive into the importance of intuition, courage, and integrity in our spiritual journey and daily lives. Keren-Or shares her personal experiences and insights on how loyalty to oneself and truth can guide us towards fulfilling our spiritual calling. We explore the different ways people connect with their intuition, whether through visions, feelings, or inner knowing, and the significance of doing inner work to build trust in oneself.

We also touch upon the evolving consciousness of younger generations and the importance...

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Ep 15: Embracing Destiny: How Your Soul Contract is Revealed in Your Life Journey

Episode 15

Embracing Destiny: How Your Soul Contract is Revealed in Your Life Journey

With Homaya

Welcome back to another episode of "The Calling". I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you as we delve deeper into the mysteries of destiny and soul contract mastery.


In this enlightening episode, Homaya invites us to explore the intricate dance between fate and destiny, urging us to view our lives not as a predetermined script but as a canvas for co-creation with the universe. Through captivating storytelling and profound insights, she illuminates the path towards aligning with our soul's purpose and embracing the boundless potential that resides within.

Key Takeaways:

Beyond Time and Space: Homaya encourages us to transcend the limitations of linear time and physical space, inviting us to perceive life as a tapestry of interconnected moments and experiences.

Embracing the Unexplainable: Rather than seeking rational explanations, Homaya urges us to embrace the...

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Ep 14: Faith Unveiled: Navigating Your Supreme Destiny Path with Soul Alignment

Episode 14

Faith Unveiled: Navigating Your Supreme Destiny Path with Soul Alignment

With Homaya

Welcome back, dear listeners, to another episode of our soulful exploration. I'm delighted to continue this journey with you, delving deeper into the realms of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.


In this captivating episode, I share the unfolding chapters of my journey towards soul alignment and destiny manifestation. Reflecting on the profound shifts and intuitive nudges that guided my path, I invite you to embark on a transformative voyage of self-discovery.

Key Takeaways:

Inner Navigation: Embracing the inward journey, I discovered that everything I seek resides within me. By turning my attention inward, I tapped into the infinite wellspring of wisdom and guidance.

Surrender and Trust: Letting go of the need for logic and control, I surrendered to the flow of life's unfolding. Trusting in the divine orchestration of events, I allowed myself to be guided by an unseen hand.

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Ep 13: Unlocking Your Soul Contract: Discover Your Life's Higher Purpose

Episode 13

Unlocking Your Soul Contract: Discover Your Life's Higher Purpose

With Homaya

Welcome back to "The Calling" with me, Homaya. I'm truly grateful for your presence as we embark on this profound journey together. In this solo episode, I delve into the depths of my personal journey, inviting you to explore the transformative power of aligning with your soul contract.


In this episode, I reflect on my journey of awakening, from a life overshadowed by pain and confusion to a profound moment of healing and clarity. I share the pivotal moment when I awakened to my true self, shedding the layers of victim consciousness and embracing the luminous essence within.

As I navigate this newfound clarity, I invite you to contemplate the nature of purpose and surrender in your own life. Through surrendering to the unknown and trusting in the unfolding of your soul contract, you can experience profound alignment and synchronicity in every aspect of your being.

Key Takeaways:


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Ep 12: Exploring Dyadic Consciousness, Unity and Transforming Beliefs Featuring Sri Namaste Moore

Episode 12

Exploring Dyadic Consciousness, Unity and Transforming Beliefs

Featuring Sri Namaste Moore

Hello and welcome to The Calling podcast, where we delve into deep conversations about consciousness, spirituality, and the evolution of human understanding. I'm delighted to have you join us for today's exploration.


In this episode, we embark on a profound journey into the concept of dyadic consciousness. Through a rich dialogue between two spiritual seekers, we unravel the intricacies of unity, love, and transformation. The speakers discuss the evolution of human consciousness towards a paired unity, shedding old paradigms to make way for new ones. Themes of interconnectedness, personal growth, and spiritual awakening permeate the conversation as we explore the deeper truths beyond surface appearances.

Key Takeaways:

Dyadic Consciousness: Explore the evolution of human consciousness towards a paired unity, transcending individuality for a shared experience.

Unity and...

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