Ep 26 Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection Featuring Daniela Arango

Episode 26

Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection

Featuring Daniela Arango

Welcome to a special two-part episode of The Calling podcast! I'm thrilled to have you join us once again as we delve into profound conversations that inspire growth, reflection, and connection.


In this episode, part one of two, we explore the profound interplay between the human experience and spiritual connection. Through a captivating dialogue between Homaya, and Daniela Arango we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Homaya reminds us of the power of our free will and the importance of staying grounded in our choices. She beautifully illustrates how life is akin to a playground, where we have the freedom to choose our experiences and shape our reality. Daniela shares her personal transformative experience, highlighting the profound realisation that "this is it" – embracing the present moment as the essence of existence itself.


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Ep 07: The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension featuring Andrea Morningstar

Episode 07

The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension

Featuring Andrea Morningstar

Hello, wonderful listeners! Welcome to another transformative episode of "The Calling." I'm thrilled to have you join us as we explore profound conversations that dive deep into the realms of ascension, wealth, and the beautiful journey of self-discovery. I'm your host, Homaya Amar, and today's episode is nothing short of enlightening.


In this episode, I had the pleasure of engaging in a heart-to-heart conversation with the incredible Andrea Morningstar. Together, we delved into the intersection of wealth and ascension, uncovering the sacred connection between the two. Andrea shares her personal journey of overcoming limitations and boldly embracing wealth as a path to ascension. The dialogue unfolds into a celebration of the interconnectedness of our individual and collective wealth experiences.

Key Takeaways:

Wealth as Liberation: Andrea beautifully describes how embracing wealth...

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Ep 04: From Resistance to Revelation: The Shaman's Unveiling

Episode 04

From Resistance to Revelation: The Shaman's Unveiling


Hello, dear listeners! Today, I invite you to join me on a transformative journey as I share the unfolding chapters of my life post the extraordinary dream. The day after is a pivotal moment, marked by encounters, realisations, and a recognition of my newfound role as a Shaman. Buckle up for a ride into the mystical and practical aspects of this incredible episode.

Summary: In this episode, I delve into the day after the life-altering dream. Moving through normal activities with a heightened awareness, I share encounters with friends and a pivotal call with a spiritual guide. The revelation that I am a Shaman disrupts my logical mind, and resistance battles acceptance. The story takes an unexpected turn as I move to a new house, meet my first teacher, and embark on the path of healing. The illogical becomes the guiding force, and I begin to understand the profound nature of my calling.

Key Takeaways:


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Ep 03: Beyond Dreams: A Sacred Encounter

Episode 03

Beyond Dreams: A Sacred Encounter

With Homaya

Greetings, wonderful souls! Thank you for joining me on another episode of The Calling. Your presence here is truly special. Today, I'm eager to share a dream that transcended the boundaries of reality, a dream that reshaped my existence. So, let's dive into the depths of this mystical experience together.


In this episode, I recount a dream that became a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey. The dream started in the familiar setting of the agency where I worked, but it quickly transformed into an extraordinary encounter with three sacred light beings. Their telepathic transmission led me through walls, into a mesmerizing forest, and eventually to the astral realms. In this higher Heaven, a place and no place, I experienced the presence of angelic beings, divine energy, and illuminated screens projecting codes and transmissions. The sacredness of this dream lingers within me, a constant reminder of a reality beyond...

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