Ep 41 Authentic Presence and Healthy Boundaries as One Featuring Jaclyn Shaw

Episode 41

Authentic Presence and Healthy Boundaries as One

featuring Jaclyn Shaw

Welcome back to The Calling Podcast! In this captivating continuation of our conversation with Jaclyn Shaw, we dive deeper into the realm of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Join us as Jac shares profound insights and personal anecdotes that will inspire you to embrace your authenticity and unleash your limitless potential.


Jaclyn begins by recounting a transformative encounter on a plane, where a chance glance at a stranger's laptop screen leads to a profound conversation about limitless love and possibility. This sparks a discussion on the importance of trusting in the boundless potential within ourselves and releasing limitations imposed by fear and conditioning.

Key Takeaways:

Embracing Authenticity: Jaclyn emphasises the power of living authentically and trusting in one's inner wisdom, rather than succumbing to fear or societal expectations.

Navigating Boundaries: Instead of rigid boundaries, Jaclyn advocates for setting energetic standards rooted in self-trust and alignment with one's soul's truth.

Soul-Centred Living: Putting the soul first allows for a deeper connection to one's divine essence, leading to greater freedom, joy, and alignment with one's purpose.

Overcoming Limitations: By cultivating awareness and choosing faith over fear, we can transcend limitations and tap into our innate potential for growth and transformation.

Celebrating Inner Wisdom: Jaclyn encourages listeners to honour their unique journey and celebrate the wisdom and love that resides within, recognising that true abundance lies in embracing and sharing our authentic selves.

This soul-stirring episode of The Calling Podcast invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening. Tune in to unlock the secrets to living a life filled with limitless love, possibility, and purpose.

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