Ep 31 Life without Limits: Making Bold Moves to Make Your Bold Dreams a Reality Featuring Cassie Howard

Episode 31

Life without Limits: Making Bold Moves to Make Your Bold Dreams a Reality

Featuring Cassie Howard

Welcome to another episode of The Calling! I'm delighted to have you join us today as we embark on a journey of empowerment, growth, and limitless possibilities.


In this episode, Cassie Howard, a transformational coach and advocate for living without limits, shares her insights and experiences on topics ranging from overcoming procrastination to aligning mind, heart, and body for success. Through her conversation, we explore the power of energetic healing, the importance of embracing all emotions, and the transformative impact of pursuing bold dreams. Cassie's vision for creating animal sanctuaries worldwide serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the immense potential within each of us to create positive change in the world.

Key Takeaways:

Alignment is Key: Overcoming procrastination and achieving goals requires alignment of mind, heart, and body.


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Ep 30 Advanced Energy Healing and the Establishment of Methodology Featuring Dr. Niikee

Episode 30

Advanced Energy Healing and the Establishment of Methodology

Featuring Dr. Niikee

Welcome to The Calling! Hello, my beautiful people! In this episode, we have a special treat for you. I am thrilled to welcome my dear friend, Dr. Niikee, a mystic and healer with a profound background in healing, medicine, and consciousness. This conversation is a journey through her transformative path from conventional medicine to holistic healing, and her insights are enlightening. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this beautiful exchange.


Dr. Niikee shares her journey from a naturopathic doctor to a mystic healer. She delves into the importance of natural medicine, creating the right environment for healing, and the role of life force in wellness. Dr. Niikee emphasizes addressing both physical and energetic distortions to achieve true harmony. We discuss nurturing oneself, the role of ancient wisdom, and the art of surrendering to one's true path.

Key Takeaways

From Medicine...

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Ep 27 Near Death Experience That Changed It All: The Best Second Chances Featuring Daniela Arango

Episode 27

Near Death Experience That Changed It All: The Best Second Chances

Featuring Daniela Arango

Welcome back to part two of this enlightening two-part episode, our host, Homaya, is joined again with special guest Daniela Arango, who shares a profound experience that reshaped her perspective on life's fragility and the power of second chances.

Daniela recounts a near-death experience that occurred eight to nine years ago, before her spiritual awakening journey in Bali. While on a flight to visit family in North Carolina, the plane faced technical difficulties, plunging towards the ground. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Daniela experienced a rapid succession of emotions, ultimately embracing surrender and making a silent vow to live life fully if granted a second chance.

Reflecting on this transformative experience, Homaya and Daniela delve into the themes of surrender, free will, and embracing the present moment. They explore how facing mortality can catalyze profound...

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Ep 25 Exposing your Story: Storytelling Through The Gateless Method featuring Suzanne Kingsbury

Episode 25

Exposing your Story: Storytelling Through The Gateless Method

Featuring Suzanne Kingsbury

Welcome back to another soul-nourishing episode of "The Calling"! I'm your host, Homaya, and I couldn't be more excited about today's guest. We're delving deep into the enchanting world of storytelling, creativity, and healing with the remarkable Suzanne Kingsbury. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey as we explore the profound insights behind the Gateless Method and the liberating power of words. Let's dive in!


In this captivating episode, Suzanne Kingsbury takes us on a journey into the heart of the Gateless Method, a revolutionary approach to writing and storytelling. Suzanne shares her personal evolution from the confines of traditional academia to the birth of Gateless, a sanctuary for writers to nurture their creative genius free from the shackles of criticism.

Through the lens of neuroscience and spirituality, Suzanne unveils the detrimental effects of...

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Ep 21: Shadow Work and Body Work in Service of Your Spiritual Evolution featuring Nichole London

Episode 21

Shadow Work and Body Work in Service of Your Spiritual Evolution

Featuring Nichole London

In this enlightening episode of "The Calling," Nichole London and Homaya delve deep into the realms of healing and spiritual evolution. Nichole shares her insights into the creation of the Cosmic Ritual Oracle, a deck inspired by her personal journey of self-discovery and healing. Through their dialogue, they explore the concept of the wounded healer archetype, the importance of self-responsibility, and the need to move beyond traditional spiritual practices.

Key Takeaways:

Embracing Transformation: The importance of embracing transformation as a constant process of growth and evolution, central to the journey of self-discovery.

Archetypes and Healing: Nichole shares her experiences with archetypes encountered on her healing journey, emphasising their role in personal transformation and collective healing.

Integration of Body and Spirit: The significance of integrating body and...

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Ep 19: The Essence of Surrender, Shameless Radiance and Divine Flow Featuring Sofia Sundari

Episode 19

The Essence of Surrender, Shameless Radiance and Divine Flow

Featuring Sofia Sundari

Welcome to another enlightening episode of The Calling! In this episode, I am thrilled to be joined by the remarkable Sofia Sundari, a dear friend and an embodiment of spiritual wisdom. Our journey together spans over 15 years, filled with profound adventures and transformative experiences.

Sofia, a true visionary, epitomises the evolution from indigo child to crystal woman, radiating clarity and depth in all aspects of her being. Our conversation delves into the essence of surrender, the dance between willpower and divine flow, and the transformative power of embracing chaos.

From her early career as a lawyer to her spiritual awakening following a profound personal loss, Sofia shares her journey of surrendering to the call of divine purpose. Through moments of chaos and uncertainty, she found liberation in surrendering to the divine flow, leading her on an extraordinary path of...

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Ep 17: Embracing Inner Authority: A Journey to Self-Realisation and Empowerment Featuring Amy Elizabeth

Episode 17

Embracing Inner Authority: A Journey to Self-Realisation and Empowerment

Featuring Amy Elizabeth

In this episode, we delve deep into the exploration of human design, personal authority, and the journey towards self-realisation and empowerment. Join us as we embark on a profound conversation between Amy Elizabeth and Homaya, where they share insights, experiences, and wisdom on honoring inner guidance, embracing authenticity, and navigating life's challenges with courage and self-trust.


Amy Elizabeth and Homaya engage in a heartfelt discussion about the various types of authority in human design and how they influence decision-making processes. They explore the significance of listening to one's inner voice, trusting instincts, and refusing to sacrifice authenticity for external expectations. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, they highlight the importance of honoring individual paths, embracing self-love, and recognising the preparation period in life's...

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Ep 15: Embracing Destiny: How Your Soul Contract is Revealed in Your Life Journey

Episode 15

Embracing Destiny: How Your Soul Contract is Revealed in Your Life Journey

With Homaya

Welcome back to another episode of "The Calling". I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you as we delve deeper into the mysteries of destiny and soul contract mastery.


In this enlightening episode, Homaya invites us to explore the intricate dance between fate and destiny, urging us to view our lives not as a predetermined script but as a canvas for co-creation with the universe. Through captivating storytelling and profound insights, she illuminates the path towards aligning with our soul's purpose and embracing the boundless potential that resides within.

Key Takeaways:

Beyond Time and Space: Homaya encourages us to transcend the limitations of linear time and physical space, inviting us to perceive life as a tapestry of interconnected moments and experiences.

Embracing the Unexplainable: Rather than seeking rational explanations, Homaya urges us to embrace the...

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Ep 08: A Quantum Leap: Breakthroughs and Intentional Living Featuring Danielle Amos

Episode 08

A Quantum Leap: Breakthroughs and Intentional Living

Featuring Danielle Amos

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of "The Calling." I'm thrilled to share this enriching conversation with Danielle Amos, a mindset mentor, healer, and entrepreneur. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of breakthroughs, intentional living, and the beauty of change.


In this episode, Danielle unfolds her inspiring journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, highlighting her pivotal moments of awakening. With authenticity and wisdom, she shares the shifts in her mindset, embracing the concept of intentional living and the profound impact of mentorship. We explore the significance of breakthroughs, debunking the notion that breakdowns are essential for these transformative moments. Danielle's insights reveal the power of decision-making, drawing a line in the sand, and the intentional creation of our realities. The conversation touches upon completion,...

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