Ep 22: Alchemy of Consciousness: Channeling and Thriving as Divine Wisdom featuring Karen McMullen

Episode 22

Alchemy of Consciousness: Channeling and Thriving as Divine Wisdom

Featuring Karen McMullen

Welcome to The Calling podcast! I'm thrilled to have you join us for another enlightening episode where we explore the depths of spirituality and connect with divine wisdom. I'm your host, Homaya, and today, alongside the wonderful Karen McMullen, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.


In this insightful conversation, Karen and I delve into the profound realm of spiritual connections and divine messages. We share personal anecdotes, techniques, and reflections on channelling higher energies and embracing spiritual guidance. From meditation practices to navigating challenges on our spiritual paths, we uncover the transformative power of aligning with divine wisdom and embracing our spiritual journey.

Key Takeaways:

Embracing Spiritual Connections: Discover the beauty of connecting with higher energies and the significance of embracing...

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Ep 07: The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension featuring Andrea Morningstar

Episode 07

The Calling: A Journey into Wealth and Ascension

Featuring Andrea Morningstar

Hello, wonderful listeners! Welcome to another transformative episode of "The Calling." I'm thrilled to have you join us as we explore profound conversations that dive deep into the realms of ascension, wealth, and the beautiful journey of self-discovery. I'm your host, Homaya Amar, and today's episode is nothing short of enlightening.


In this episode, I had the pleasure of engaging in a heart-to-heart conversation with the incredible Andrea Morningstar. Together, we delved into the intersection of wealth and ascension, uncovering the sacred connection between the two. Andrea shares her personal journey of overcoming limitations and boldly embracing wealth as a path to ascension. The dialogue unfolds into a celebration of the interconnectedness of our individual and collective wealth experiences.

Key Takeaways:

Wealth as Liberation: Andrea beautifully describes how embracing wealth...

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Ep 05: Living Life in Full Color: Embracing the Journey of the Soul Featuring Jaclyn Shaw

Episode 05

Living Life in Full Color: Embracing the Journey of the Soul


Welcome to another episode of "The Calling"! In this soul-stirring conversation with Jaclyn Shaw, we dive into the depths of the human experience, exploring the highs and lows, the beauty in surrender, and the profound connection that comes with answering the calling.


Join Homaya and Jaclyn as they share insights into the transformative power of embracing life in its entirety. From the willingness to surrender to the beauty found in the midst of challenges, this episode is a celebration of living life in full color. Discover the magic that unfolds when we trust our soul's guidance and say yes to the calling.

Key Takeaways:

The willingness to surrender opens the door to profound transformation.

Embracing the full spectrum of the human experience is a gift that leads to magic and beauty.

Trusting the soul's guidance allows us to navigate life's waves with grace and authenticity.


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