Ep 18: Pursuing Your Freedom: Healing Beyond Survival Mode Featuring Lynne Taggart

Episode 18

Pursuing Your Freedom: Healing Beyond Survival Mode

Featuring Lynne Taggart

Welcome to The Calling, Follow Your Spirit All The Way In!

In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative power of trust, healing, and personal evolution.

Embark on a transformative journey with podcast host Homaya and guest Lynne Taggart as they delve into the vital role of self-trust in the healing journey.

Gain profound insights and invaluable wisdom on cultivating trust, breaking down emotional barriers, and embracing vulnerability. 

Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of personal evolution and empowerment.


Homaya and Lynne discuss how trust is a fundamental aspect of healing, highlighting the need to trust oneself in order to fully receive the benefits of external support, such as healers or the universe. Lynne shares her personal journey of breaking down walls around her heart, leading to profound shifts in her life and relationships. Through her experiences,...

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Ep 17: Embracing Inner Authority: A Journey to Self-Realisation and Empowerment Featuring Amy Elizabeth

Episode 17

Embracing Inner Authority: A Journey to Self-Realisation and Empowerment

Featuring Amy Elizabeth

In this episode, we delve deep into the exploration of human design, personal authority, and the journey towards self-realisation and empowerment. Join us as we embark on a profound conversation between Amy Elizabeth and Homaya, where they share insights, experiences, and wisdom on honoring inner guidance, embracing authenticity, and navigating life's challenges with courage and self-trust.


Amy Elizabeth and Homaya engage in a heartfelt discussion about the various types of authority in human design and how they influence decision-making processes. They explore the significance of listening to one's inner voice, trusting instincts, and refusing to sacrifice authenticity for external expectations. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, they highlight the importance of honoring individual paths, embracing self-love, and recognising the preparation period in life's...

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