Ep 26 Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection Featuring Daniela Arango

Episode 26

Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection

Featuring Daniela Arango

Welcome to a special two-part episode of The Calling podcast! I'm thrilled to have you join us once again as we delve into profound conversations that inspire growth, reflection, and connection.


In this episode, part one of two, we explore the profound interplay between the human experience and spiritual connection. Through a captivating dialogue between Homaya, and Daniela Arango we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Homaya reminds us of the power of our free will and the importance of staying grounded in our choices. She beautifully illustrates how life is akin to a playground, where we have the freedom to choose our experiences and shape our reality. Daniela shares her personal transformative experience, highlighting the profound realisation that "this is it" – embracing the present moment as the essence of existence itself.


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Ep 25 Exposing your Story: Storytelling Through The Gateless Method featuring Suzanne Kingsbury

Episode 25

Exposing your Story: Storytelling Through The Gateless Method

Featuring Suzanne Kingsbury

Welcome back to another soul-nourishing episode of "The Calling"! I'm your host, Homaya, and I couldn't be more excited about today's guest. We're delving deep into the enchanting world of storytelling, creativity, and healing with the remarkable Suzanne Kingsbury. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey as we explore the profound insights behind the Gateless Method and the liberating power of words. Let's dive in!


In this captivating episode, Suzanne Kingsbury takes us on a journey into the heart of the Gateless Method, a revolutionary approach to writing and storytelling. Suzanne shares her personal evolution from the confines of traditional academia to the birth of Gateless, a sanctuary for writers to nurture their creative genius free from the shackles of criticism.

Through the lens of neuroscience and spirituality, Suzanne unveils the detrimental effects of...

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