Ep 35 Navigating Life's Waves: Awakening to God Within Featuring Alexia Vlahos Kolokasides

Episode 35

Navigating Life's Waves: Awakening to God Within

Featuring Alexia Vlahos Kolokasides

Welcome to another enriching episode of The Calling with me, Homaya, and my dear friend and co-creator Alexia Vlahos Kolokasides. Today, we're diving deep into the themes of spiritual awakening, obedience to inner guidance, and living life in alignment with our true essence.


In this heartfelt conversation, Alexia shares her journey of spiritual awakening, highlighting key moments of divine intervention and profound personal growth. From her early connection with the Ascended Masters to transformative life events like a near-fatal car accident, Alexia's story is a testament to the power of following inner guidance and embracing the spiritual path with obedience and trust. Throughout the episode, Alexia reflects on the importance of obedience to the inner voice, describing it as a commitment to integrity and truth. She emphasizes the significance of recognising subtle resistances...

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Ep 34 Unlocking the Secrets of Conscious Lovemaking Featuring Diana Richardson

Episode 34

Unlocking the Secrets of Conscious Lovemaking

Featuring Diana Richardson

Hello beautiful people! Welcome to another episode of The Calling. I am thrilled to be here with you today. As always, our space is ignited with wonderful energy, and I am honored to introduce our guest, Diana Richardson, a dear friend and a profound teacher in the realm of tantra and conscious lovemaking. Diana's journey is nothing short of inspiring, and I can't wait for you to hear her insights and experiences.


In this episode, we delve into the extraordinary journey of Diana Richardson, an acclaimed author and teacher of tantra. Diana shares her story, from growing up in apartheid South Africa to becoming a lawyer and eventually discovering her true passion for bodywork and tantra. She speaks about the importance of being present in the body, the power of self-massage, and how conscious lovemaking can transform our lives.

Diana emphasises the significance of awareness and presence in...

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Ep 33 Void to Victory Through the Path of Gratitude and Freedom Featuring Shilamida

Episode 33

Void to Victory Through the Path of Gratitude and Freedom

Featuring Shilamida

Hello beautiful people! I'm absolutely thrilled to be with you today and to share this incredible episode with my dear friend Shalamida. This conversation is filled with profound wisdom, personal transformations, and heartfelt moments that I believe will inspire and uplift you.


In this episode, we dive deep into the extraordinary journey of Shalamida. From her beginnings as an acupuncturist and a single mother to her miraculous health transformations and spiritual awakenings, Shalamida’s story is one of resilience, growth, and profound wisdom. We explore the significant jumps in her life, the voids that preceded these leaps, and the sacred tools she discovered along the way. This conversation highlights the power of spiritual wisdom, the importance of living through moments of void, and the transformative nature of gratitude.

Key Takeaways

Embrace the Void: Understanding that...

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Ep 32 Spiritual Growth Through the Path of Mentorship: From Resistance to Heart Leadership Featuring Elama

Episode 32

Spiritual Growth Through the Path of Mentorship: From Resistance to Heart Leadership

Featuring Elama

Hello and blessings, beautiful people! I'm so excited to have you join us for another enriching episode of The Calling. Today, we delve deep into a heartfelt conversation with my dear friend and long-time collaborator, Elama. This episode is particularly special as we explore the transformative journey we've shared over the past 12 years.


In this episode, I sit down with Elama to reflect on our shared journey of healing, growth, and discovery. We reminisce about the early days of our friendship, the challenges we've overcome, and the profound spiritual insights we've gained. This conversation is a testament to the power of mentorship, trust, and the incredible transformations that can occur when we embrace our true paths.

Key Takeaways

The Power of Mentorship: Discover how a strong mentor-mentee relationship can lead to profound personal and spiritual growth....

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Ep 31 Life without Limits: Making Bold Moves to Make Your Bold Dreams a Reality Featuring Cassie Howard

Episode 31

Life without Limits: Making Bold Moves to Make Your Bold Dreams a Reality

Featuring Cassie Howard

Welcome to another episode of The Calling! I'm delighted to have you join us today as we embark on a journey of empowerment, growth, and limitless possibilities.


In this episode, Cassie Howard, a transformational coach and advocate for living without limits, shares her insights and experiences on topics ranging from overcoming procrastination to aligning mind, heart, and body for success. Through her conversation, we explore the power of energetic healing, the importance of embracing all emotions, and the transformative impact of pursuing bold dreams. Cassie's vision for creating animal sanctuaries worldwide serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the immense potential within each of us to create positive change in the world.

Key Takeaways:

Alignment is Key: Overcoming procrastination and achieving goals requires alignment of mind, heart, and body.


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Ep 30 Advanced Energy Healing and the Establishment of Methodology Featuring Dr. Niikee

Episode 30

Advanced Energy Healing and the Establishment of Methodology

Featuring Dr. Niikee

Welcome to The Calling! Hello, my beautiful people! In this episode, we have a special treat for you. I am thrilled to welcome my dear friend, Dr. Niikee, a mystic and healer with a profound background in healing, medicine, and consciousness. This conversation is a journey through her transformative path from conventional medicine to holistic healing, and her insights are enlightening. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this beautiful exchange.


Dr. Niikee shares her journey from a naturopathic doctor to a mystic healer. She delves into the importance of natural medicine, creating the right environment for healing, and the role of life force in wellness. Dr. Niikee emphasizes addressing both physical and energetic distortions to achieve true harmony. We discuss nurturing oneself, the role of ancient wisdom, and the art of surrendering to one's true path.

Key Takeaways

From Medicine...

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Ep 29 Gene Keys and the Future Generation Featuring Nadia Isk

Episode 29

Gene Keys and the Future Generation

Featuring Nadia Isk

Welcome, dear listeners, to another insightful episode of The Calling podcast, where we delve into the depths of consciousness, intuition, and the evolving landscape of human existence. Join us as we explore profound insights and meaningful conversations that inspire and uplift.


In this enlightening episode, we embark on a journey of understanding the profound shifts occurring in human consciousness and the emergence of a new era. Today's guest, Nadia Isk , shares profound wisdom and insights into the evolving nature of human existence.

Homaya and Nadia discuss the transition from a mind-centric to a more intuitive way of being, highlighting the importance of operating from the solar plexus and embracing feminine energy. The conversation touches upon the significance of trusting in the unfolding of life, surrendering to the flow, and nurturing receptivity.

Furthermore, Nadia and Homaya shed light on the...

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Ep 28 Layers of Spiritual Awakenings and Embodiment of Higher Consciousness Featuring Kristen Stuart

Episode 28

Layers of Spiritual Awakenings and Embodiment of Higher Consciousness

Featuring Kristen Stuart

Hello again, my beautiful people. I hope you're stepping into this space today with great inner peace and tranquility because I have a feeling we’re going to soar a little bit today. I'm so happy to welcome to this space a dear colleague and friend, Kristen Stuart. We’ve connected deeply despite not having met in person, and today’s conversation promises to be both enlightening and heartwarming.


In this episode, I welcome Kristen Stuart, a modern priestess and light goddess, who guides women to connect with their divine feminine. We delve into Kristen’s spiritual journey, from her first steps on a yoga mat in 2002 to her profound awakening experiences. Kristen shares her path through personal challenges, her work with the Akashic Records, and how she has integrated these spiritual insights into her life and teachings. This conversation explores...

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Ep 27 Near Death Experience That Changed It All: The Best Second Chances Featuring Daniela Arango

Episode 27

Near Death Experience That Changed It All: The Best Second Chances

Featuring Daniela Arango

Welcome back to part two of this enlightening two-part episode, our host, Homaya, is joined again with special guest Daniela Arango, who shares a profound experience that reshaped her perspective on life's fragility and the power of second chances.

Daniela recounts a near-death experience that occurred eight to nine years ago, before her spiritual awakening journey in Bali. While on a flight to visit family in North Carolina, the plane faced technical difficulties, plunging towards the ground. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Daniela experienced a rapid succession of emotions, ultimately embracing surrender and making a silent vow to live life fully if granted a second chance.

Reflecting on this transformative experience, Homaya and Daniela delve into the themes of surrender, free will, and embracing the present moment. They explore how facing mortality can catalyze profound...

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Ep 26 Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection Featuring Daniela Arango

Episode 26

Playfulness: Life Between Human Experience and Spiritual Connection

Featuring Daniela Arango

Welcome to a special two-part episode of The Calling podcast! I'm thrilled to have you join us once again as we delve into profound conversations that inspire growth, reflection, and connection.


In this episode, part one of two, we explore the profound interplay between the human experience and spiritual connection. Through a captivating dialogue between Homaya, and Daniela Arango we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Homaya reminds us of the power of our free will and the importance of staying grounded in our choices. She beautifully illustrates how life is akin to a playground, where we have the freedom to choose our experiences and shape our reality. Daniela shares her personal transformative experience, highlighting the profound realisation that "this is it" – embracing the present moment as the essence of existence itself.


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