Ep 33 Void to Victory Through the Path of Gratitude and Freedom Featuring Shilamida

Episode 33

Void to Victory Through the Path of Gratitude and Freedom

Featuring Shilamida

Hello beautiful people! I'm absolutely thrilled to be with you today and to share this incredible episode with my dear friend Shalamida. This conversation is filled with profound wisdom, personal transformations, and heartfelt moments that I believe will inspire and uplift you.


In this episode, we dive deep into the extraordinary journey of Shalamida. From her beginnings as an acupuncturist and a single mother to her miraculous health transformations and spiritual awakenings, Shalamida’s story is one of resilience, growth, and profound wisdom. We explore the significant jumps in her life, the voids that preceded these leaps, and the sacred tools she discovered along the way. This conversation highlights the power of spiritual wisdom, the importance of living through moments of void, and the transformative nature of gratitude.

Key Takeaways

Embrace the Void: Understanding that moments of nothingness are essential for the universe to recalibrate and bring forth your desires.

Sacred Wisdom: The importance of spiritual wisdom and recognising the unique soul contracts we all have.

Transformative Health Journeys: Shalamida’s inspiring journey of losing 120 pounds and discovering her sensitivities to various foods.

Power of Gratitude: How practicing gratitude consistently can shift your life and bring forth manifestations.

Listening to the Calling: Shalamida’s journey into acupuncture school as a calling rather than a logical decision, highlighting the importance of following intuitive guidance.

Voice Codes: Discovering and harnessing the power of voice as a tool for activation and manifestation.

Breaking Patterns: Overcoming deep-rooted negative patterns and embracing a positive, grateful mindset through conscious effort and spiritual practices.

Non-reactive Gratitude: Cultivating a state of gratitude that is not dependent on external circumstances but is an inherent part of one’s being.

Join us for this enriching conversation as we explore the profound lessons and insights from Shalamida’s incredible journey. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, spiritual growth, and the transformative potential of gratitude.

Thank you for tuning in, and I hope you find this episode as inspiring and enlightening as I did. Let's continue to embrace our journeys, trust the process, and always be grateful for the unfolding path ahead.

Please, if this episode touched you, leave a review, like and subscribe. Feel comfortable to share it with your friends, family and colleagues. Because everyone has a calling. 


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