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Welcome to 'The Calling' podcast with Homaya, a guiding light on your transformative journey toward self-realization, spiritual growth, and personal empowerment.

Whether you're navigating crossroads, seeking inner harmony, or envisioning a life of abundance and joy, this podcast serves as your invitation to dive deep into your unique soul blueprint.

Join us as we drink from the well of life, aligning with your path, learning to be in love with your Self and discovering the immense power within.

Let this podcast be your invitation to turn your life fully ON and experience the pure bliss of a heightened existence!

The Episodes

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Void to Victory Through the Path of Gratitude and Freedom

Listen to how Shilamida embraces the void and takes big active leaps in between. Her greatest passion is FREEDOM teaching women how to create it, live it, fight for it, and stand for it in their health, wealth, and families. A truly inspiring conversation to receive and integrate!

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Unlocking the Secrets of Conscious Lovemaking

In our conversation, Diana speaks about the importance of being present in the body, the power of self-massage, and how conscious lovemaking can transform your life! The true power of sex energy and magic!

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Navigating Life's Waves: Awakening to God Within

In today's episode, we talk about spiritual awakenings to God within you, the importance of following your inner guidance, and how to live life in alignment with your true essence. Truly a full heart and eye-opening conversation to witness!

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view all episodes here

Soul Contract Meditations

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Step into this potent activation “Drinking From The Fountain”, an incredible soul journey to connect and align your life with your soul contract —  what you came here to do and who you came here to be!

Whether you’re facing critical decisions, navigating through crossroads, or calling for a greater level of inner harmony, love and wealth - with this invaluable activation you will be looking at your life from a higher perspective, aligning with your highest timeline, experiencing fulfillment, expansion and pure bliss.

Fill in the form below

I am so excited to walk this journey with you, and for you to visit the temple of your soul and activate new aspects in your soul contract!

Homaya Amar, Spiritual activator, master healer, light codes, spiritual leader
About Homaya

Homaya is a highly attuned international spiritual leader, master teacher, and paramount healer

Known for seamlessly integrating ancient wisdom with cutting-edge contemporary modalities. She effortlessly creates transformative sacred spaces, imbued with advanced luminous codes, catalyzing profound shifts in consciousness.

With a 22-year career, Homaya has impacted thousands through in-person and online workshops and retreats, empowering individuals to unlock their highest potential in business, relationships, and personal growth.

Homaya's potent presence initiates irreversible life transformations, fostering a strong connection to your spirit, accelerating one's consciousness evolution, and igniting life force. Her unique skills are valued by mentors, coaches, and healers seeking to enhance their abilities, expand their impact and income, and step into mastery.

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